Gastric ulcers or peptic ulcers, a health problem caused by inflammation of the lining of the stomach or one or twelve, due to high acidity, infection of pylori pylori, or taking certain medical drugs such as aspirin, antibiotics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Adville, Motrin) or naproxen (naprosin), or alcohol and smoking, or radiation therapy, leading to the erosion and collapse of the stomach wall, and the occurrence of open wounds cause terrible pain, when irritated stomach lining due to high acidity, according to May Clink
Heartburn and abdominal pain
The feeling of fullness, bloating or burping
Do not tolerate fatty foods – nausea – vomiting
Sometimes symptoms develop and become as follows:
In some cases, ulcers may cause signs or symptoms such as:
Blood vomit that may be red or black
Dark blood in the stool or the color of the stool is black or dandruff
Breathing problems – Feeling faint – Unwarranted weight loss
Changes in appetite –
Gastrointestinal ulcers left untreated can lead to:
Internal bleeding.
Bleeding may occur as a result of slow bleeding leading to severe anemia or bleeding, which may require hospitalization or blood transfusions. Severe bleeding can result in black or bloody vomiting or black or bloody stool.
Gastrointestinal ulcers can corrode the lining of the stomach or small intestine, exposing you to the risk of severe abdominal injury (peritonitis).
Peptic ulcers can cause swelling, inflammation or scarring that can cause food to pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Your blockage may easily fill your stomach, vomiting and weight loss.
Nightmares, causes, symptoms and risks
When to visit a doctor?
It is best to go to the doctor immediately if you feel the signs or symptoms listed above. Also, consult your doctor if the over-the-counter antacids and the acid inhibitors relieve the pain but the pain comes back.
Best home remedies:
There are many home remedies, simple and cheap, which proved very effective, in the treatment of stomach ulcers, as confirmed by many scientific studies, including:
Yogurt contains probiotics (natural yeast) that help restore the balance of bacteria in the digestive system.
Probiotics are living organisms that help rebalance the bacteria in the digestive tract. In addition to helping to achieve optimal bowel health, they can help treat ulcers.
According to a study conducted in 2014, probiotics can not kill H. pylori bacteria. However, they may reduce the amount of bacteria present, help speed up the healing process, and relieve the symptoms.
When taken together with other treatments, probiotics may help eliminate harmful bacteria.
Probiotics can be found in the following sources:
Yoghurt – fermented foods – probiotic supplements
Colitis .. Taking this juice every day protects against disease
Many people think that ginger has negative effects on the stomach, but the opposite is true, because it is an effective treatment for stomach acidity, burning and other gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, bloating and gastritis.
A study in 2013 suggests that ginger can help treat gastric ulcers caused by H. pylori bacteria. Eating ginger may also prevent ulcers caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
3. Colorful fruits
Colored fruits contain compounds called flavonoids, which are polyphenols, which contribute to the treatment of stomach ulcers and the elimination of infections.
According to a study conducted in 2011, polyphenols can help in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and other gastrointestinal problems, including convulsions and diarrhea.
Flavonoids protect the lining of the stomach from ulcers by increasing gastric mucus, which inhibits the growth of H. pylori bacteria, especially as flavonoids have anti-oxidant properties.
Flavonoids are found in fruits such as:
4. Bananas
Research conducted in 2011 indicates that immature bananas may have a positive effect on peptic ulcer, because it contains flavonoids, which increase the amount of mucus, lining the lining of the stomach. Bananas also contribute to reducing acidity, The ulcer.
5. Honey
Honey has beneficial antimicrobial properties in the treatment of gastric ulcers and peptic ulcers. A study conducted in 2016 indicates that honey has antibacterial effects of H. pylori, so it is useful for the treatment of gastric ulcers.
Honey plays an important role in the rapid healing of wounds and ulcers, which helps in the treatment of ulcers that occur in the wall of the stomach.
6. Curcuma
Turmeric, known as the king of spices, contains a compound called curcumin, which confirmed a scientific study conducted in 2013, it is anti-inflammatory and oxidation and helps in the treatment and prevention of stomach ulcers.
7. Chamomile
Chamomile is used to treat anxiety, gastrointestinal convulsions and inflammation, but a scientific study conducted in 2012 proved that the chamomile extract
It has anti-ulcers and peptic ulcers, and researchers believe it may inhibit stomach ulcers and speed up the healing process.
8. The garlic
Garlic is very popular around the world and it has antibacterial and anti-bacterial properties, which makes it useful in fighting infection.
A study in 2016 showed that garlic can help prevent the development of ulcers and help accelerate healing.
According to the 2015 review, it has been shown that garlic also helps prevent the growth of melanobacteria