
Learn about the benefits of breastfeeding for a long time .. Protect children from liver diseases


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Long-term breastfeeding protects children from liver disease, risks of collecting harmful fats in this sensitive biological organ, and advised mothers to breastfeed their babies for periods of more than six months to keep their children healthy, Arabic.

The current study focused on whether breastfeeding is also associated with reduced risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is usually associated with obesity and eating habits.

The researchers followed 844 women for 25 years after their development. Overall, 32 per cent reported breastfeeding for one month and 25 per cent said they had breastfed their children normally for a period of one to six months and 43 per cent said they would breastfeed their children longer.

The researchers said in the Journal of Hematology, that by the end of the study these women were 49 years on average. Fifty-five or fifty-six percent of women were infected with non-alcoholic fatty liver.">

Women who breastfed their children are at least six months less likely to have liver disease than 52 percent of mothers who breastfed their children for less than a month.">

“This new analysis contributes to the growing body of evidence that breastfeeding naturally also represents important health benefits for the mother,” said Dr. Viral Ajmera of the University of California, San Diego.

Previous studies have linked breastfeeding to women’s health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

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